Proverbs 31 is one of the most well known chapters in the Bible. People may not know it like they know Psalm 23 and be able to quote it, but they will know phrases from it and would be able to finish a few if you started them.
Books have been written on this subject matter alone! It really is exhaustive (and I mean that in many ways! ). I am not going to try to compete with any of the experts in the field. I am merely sharing my thoughts on this passage.
To some people, this chapter defines some unattainable-super-woman that we all wish that we were or knew. She is "virtuous" and valuable "above rubies" (vs 10).
Her husband's heart trusts her and she does him no evil. She works with her hands, selling what she makes, and buys what she needs.
She takes care of her household: her children, husband, and those who work for her. She is a business woman, caregiver, wise, and experienced. She is strong and healthy, and meets the needs of others. She gives to the poor and does not fear for any lack, as she has prepared for all times.
Verse ten starts with the question: "Who can find a virtuous woman?" And then the verses that follow describe what I paraphrased above. I'm intimidated by it all when I read it. How can anyone be all of those things and live life with all of its demands?
How can one be that busy and still meet all the demands of a growing family? To me it brings up lots of questions and doubts. Am I the only one? Who else reads this and thinks "in your dreams!"?
I WANT to be like her! I WANT to do all those things! I WANT to help all the people listed in the verses. I just feel like I fall really short.
In fact, I might even give up and think that all of this is unattainable! How will I or could I ever measure up to this high bar of being a woman of Proverbs 31?
And I might even give up if I didn't come to the end of the passage and read verses 30-31.
Proverbs 31:30-31. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:
But a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands;
And let her own works praise her in the gates. (KJV)
Bottom line to this mystical woman of Proverbs 31 is that she "fears" the Lord.
Now the definition of fear here is not that she is afraid of the Lord. It is rather having a deep respect, awe and reverence of the LORD and His power and authority. IF there is any fear in the "fear of the LORD", it is to fear NOT having honor, respect, and reverence of Him. He is DUE all of that and more. And I would not want to fall short!
He is God. I am not! And I will choose to love Him and honor Him with my life and what I do every day for Him and for others. What I do should speak on its own of who I am.
This is where she finds her strength for every day - to do what she needs to do to keep her household taken care of. Her beauty comes from within and from her time with the Lord. All the things that we do for outward beauty are all in vain if we do not have beauty from within.